Hue to Vientiane

Hue to Savanakhet by Bus

Hue to Savanakhet by Bus . The bus scheduled to depart at 8 am , it take about 11 hours to reach Savannakhet.We arrived around 6:30 pm . Reservation now

Hue to Savanakhet by bus

Travelers visiting Savannakhet are often surprised by its old French colonial architecture and the friendly, sleepy atmosphere of the town which conserves many aspects of Lao traditional culture. The small but blossoming tourist sector offers various eco-trekking programs to the outskirts of town and to preserved forests and other places of interest in neighbouring districts . The welcoming and generous character of the local people makes you easily feel part of the community. Although recently a large casino was established, Savannakhet has no touristic night-life scene. Over the last two decades dinosaurs have become a theme of Savannakhet, with a Dinosaur Museum and decorations in the streets.

Hue to Savanakhet by bus : Our sleeping bus was scheduled to depart at 9 am ,  it take about 11 hours to reach Savannakhet.We arrived around 4:30 pm at the bus station, which is about 2 km north of town. you can take tuk tuk to your hotel .

We made a few pit stops along the way, so it took us about 4 hours to reach the border. Although there will be stops where you can purchase food and snacks (and there is one official lunch break), it’s probably smarter to simply have all your snacks purchased and packed before you leave—most of what we saw on offer was pretty suspicious and unappetizing.

Hue to Savanakhet by local sleeping bus

Take a sleeping bus from hue at 9 am to Lao Bảo border , Crossing the Border: From Đông Hà , you would need to travel further north to reach the border crossing between Vietnam and Laos. The most common border crossing used for this route is the Lao Bảo International Border Gate, located in Quảng Trị Province. This border crossing connects Vietnam with the Savannakhet Province of Laos

Upon reaching the border, you’ll need to go through immigration and customs procedures for exiting Vietnam and entering Laos. Make sure to have all necessary travel documents, including your passport and any required visas

Once you’ve crossed the border into Laos, you’ll need to get on the same sleeping bus to Savannakhet . Arrive at 4pm

How to book bus ticket to Savanakhet ? 

Bus ticket  reservation now . Everday bus to Svanakhet , book 1 day advance

what’sApp : ++985005113

Where can you get on the bus ? 

8 A.M . Pick up at our office

hue to savanakhet by bus
hue to savanakhet by bus


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